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America’s (Amazingly) Good Energy News

America’s (Amazingly) Good Energy News

Full Title:  America’s (Amazingly) Good Energy News
Author(s): N/A
Publisher(s): Natural Resources Defense Council
Publication Date: October 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


For decades, America’s energy news trended from bad to worse, beginning with the oil crises of the 1970s. However, NRDC recently conducted an exhaustive analysis that found a remarkable turnaround. based on key economic, security, and environmental indicators, all examined below, the state of the U.S. energy economy has never been better. And in an era of escalating Mideast turmoil and gyrating oil prices, this accumulated resilience could hardly be more timely.

Extensive new government data reviewed by NRDC shows much of the credit can be given to a huge and inexpensive energy resource that deserves far more attention: energy efficiency. In fact, over the past 40 years Americans have found so many innovative ways to save energy that we have more than doubled the economic productivity of the oil that runs our vehicles and the natural gas and electricity that runs almost everything else. Factories and businesses are producing substantially more products and value with less energy.

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