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Assessing Health Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Guide for Health Departments

Assessing Health Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Guide for Health Departments

Full Title:  Assessing Health Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Guide for Health Departments
Author(s):  Arie Ponce Manangan, Christopher K. Uejio, Shubhayu Saha, Paul J. Schramm, Gino D. Marinucci, Jeremy J. Hess, and George Luber
Publisher(s):  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Publication Date: July 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The changing climate is linked to increases in a wide range of non-communicable and infectious diseases. There are complex ways in which climatic factors (like temperature, humidity, precipitation, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise) can directly or indirectly affect the prevalence of disease. Identification of communities and places vulnerable to these changes can help health departments assess and prevent associated adverse health impacts.

The Climate and Health Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework to help health departments prepare for and respond to climate change. The BRACE framework is a five-step process that helps health departments to understand how climate has and will affect human health, and enables health departments to employ a systematic, evidence-based process to customize their response to local circumstances.

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