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Best Practices in Energy Efficiency Program Screening

Best Practices in Energy Efficiency Program Screening

Full Title:  Best Practices in Energy Efficiency Program Screening: How to Ensure the Value of Energy Efficiency is Properly Accounted for
Author(s):  Tim Woolf, Erin Malone, Kenji Takahashi, William Steinhurst
Publisher(s):  National Home Performance Council
Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The paper provides a comprehensive review of a wide range of problems and inconsistencies in current cost-effectiveness test practices, and recommends a range of best practices to address them. These best practices (a) align test implementation with the underlying objectives of the tests as originally designed;(b) ensure that energy resources are developed at the lowest cost; and (c) support public policy goals such as promoting customer equity, serving a broad range of customers, encouraging comprehensive whole-house improvements, and avoiding lost opportunities.

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