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Boosting EU‐US Cooperation in Energy Research: Opportunities and Prospects

Boosting EU‐US Cooperation in Energy Research: Opportunities and Prospects

Full Title:  Boosting EU‐US Cooperation in Energy Research: Opportunities and Prospects
Author(s):  Link 2 US
Publisher(s): Link 2 US
Publication Date: September 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

The aim of this deliverable (D 3.4, Workshop Report) is to provide a summary of the Joint EU-U.S Energy Workshop provisioned in Task 3.3.1 (Workshops on U.S. research/innovation programmes). The aim of Task 3.3.1 was to organize three workshops (or similar events) at major European science and technology meetings to present expert speakers on the U.S. scientific research funding structure. In the case of the Joint EU-US Energy Workshop there was a special demand from the DG R&I of the European Commission to bring together stakeholders in the energy research field both from Europe and the U.S. in the United States. The event aimed at boosting the cooperation of EU-U.S. lab-to-lab relations with the Joint Programmes of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and corresponding U.S. labs; identifying the common fields of interests for cooperation with the EERA Joint Programmes, U.S. Department of Department of Energy and Department of Energy Labs, and other interested US agencies; supporting and facilitating the creation of new EU-U.S. research lab-to-lab partnerships and collaboration and finally establishing links, where appropriate, with the on-going cooperation in the framework of the EU-U.S.-Energy Council. On 18 September 2012, after a short organization period during which the Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the U.S. Department of Energy and Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research joined their forces, twenty stakeholders in the field of energy research met at the AAAS headquarters in Washington, DC, U.S. The symposium agenda was designed to explore possible areas of mutual interest and cooperation for the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA Joint Programmes and their U.S. counterparts. By the end of the day several tangible outcomes were reached.

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