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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Various Electric Reliability Improvement Projects from the End Users’ Perspective

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Various Electric Reliability Improvement Projects from the End Users’ Perspective

Full Title:  Cost-Benefit Analysis of Various Electric Reliability Improvement Projects from the End Users’ Perspective
Author(s): N/A
Publisher(s):  National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
Publication Date: November 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


This report provides two of the three deliverables for the Cost Benefit Analysis of Various Electric Reliability Improvement Projects from the End Users’ Perspective. One of the two deliverables included in this report is a Summary Analysis of the cost to customers (residential, commercial, and industrial) of extended outages provided by day of the week, each 4 day combination of weekday and weekends, and a week. The other deliverable is a section of Mitigating Measures which describes the types of costs incurred to avoid outages, reduce duration and restore power. The mitigating measures costs are also distinguished as capital or operating and maintenance (O&M). The third deliverable was provided in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and contains the costs to customers of extended outages (Cost-Benefit Analysis). The cost tables are also presented in this report. There are no tables in the spreadsheet which are not included in this report.

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