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Covering New Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Plants under the Clean Power Plan

Covering New Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Plants under the Clean Power Plan

Full Title: Covering New Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Plants under the Clean Power Plan
Author(s): Judy Chang, Kathleen Spees, Metin Celebi, Tony Lee
Publisher(s): The Brattle Group
Publication Date: November 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This report is commissioned by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NDRC), a not-for-profit environmental organization. The NRDC is concerned that failing to cover new gas CCs would weaken the environmental outcomes anticipated under the CPP (32% carbon emissions reduction from 2005 levels by 2030), and introduce problematic economic effects in wholesale electricity markets. In this report, we examine the potential implications for competitive wholesale energy and capacity markets if new gas CCs are not covered under mass-based state implementation plans (SIPs).2

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