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Crude by Rail, The new logistics of tight oil and oil sands growth

Crude by Rail, The new logistics of tight oil and oil sands growth

Full Title:  Crude by Rail, The new logistics of tight oil and oil sands growth
Author(s):  Kevin Birn, Juan Osuna, Carmen Velasquez, Jeff Meyer, Steven Owens, and Malcolm Cairns
Publisher(s): IHS Energy
Publication Date: December 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Great Revival in North American crude oil production has occurred so rapidly that pipeline infrastructure has struggled to catch up with supply growth. “Crude by rail” has become a key part of the system to ship oil from producing areas to refineries. As the volume of crude oil moving by rail has increased, so have safety concerns. The US and Canadian governments are responding with new rules to improve safety. This report explores the evolution and outlook for movements of crude by rail in North America; the safety of these movements; and the implications of new policies aimed at enhancing the safety of crude by rail.

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