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Crude Oil Export & U.S. National Security

Crude Oil Export & U.S. National Security

Full Title: Crude Oil & U.S. National Security
Author(s): Elizabeth Rosenberg, David Gordon & Ellie Maruyama
Publisher(s): Center for New American Security
Publication Date: May 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

A dramatic increase in the production of domestic crude oil over the last several years is creating a new era of energy abundance in the United States. In addition to a major economic boost, this provides the United States with important national security benefits. By making the global oil market more stable and better able to adjust to shocks, U.S. producers are reducing the ability of other countries to use energy supply or price decisions to coerce or harm the United States, our allies, and others. The energy boom also provides U.S. policymakers with the ability to impose powerful energy sanctions and gain important leverage in trade negotiations.

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