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Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: The Truth about Nuclear Power

Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: The Truth about Nuclear Power

Full Title:  Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: The Truth about Nuclear Power
Author(s): Physicians for Social Responsibility
Publisher(s):  Physicians for Social Responsibility
Publication Date: January 1, 2010
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The nuclear industry is trying to revitalize itself by manipulating the public‟s concerns about global warming and energy insecurity to promote nuclear power as a clean and safe way to curb emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce dependence on foreign energy resources. Despite these claims by industry proponents, a thorough examination of the full life-cycle of nuclear power generation reveals nuclear power to be a dirty, dangerous and expensive form of energy that poses serious risks to human health, national security and U.S. taxpayers.

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