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Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of MISO

Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of MISO

Full Title: Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of MISO
Author(s): Susan Tierney, Paul Hibbard, and Craig Aubuchon
Publisher(s): Analysis Group
Publication Date: June 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator (“MISO”) has responsibility for reliable electric system operations in all or parts of a 15-state area in the middle of the U.S. The large geographic region covered by its footprint (shown below) makes MISO the largest grid operator in the U.S. in terms of area served. MISO is the second-largest Regional Transmission Organization (“RTO”) in the U.S. in terms of electrical load.

In this report, we analyze reliability considerations in the MISO region as the stakeholders there anticipate compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) Clean Power Plan. As we concluded in our prior reports about the PJM Interconnection region and the nation as a whole, we find that MISO is well positioned to use existing tools and operating procedures to maintain electric system reliability at the same time the region lowers carbon pollution from power plants.

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