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Energy Casualties: How People are Dying for our Energy

Energy Casualties: How People are Dying for our Energy

Full Title: Energy Casualties: How People are Dying for our Energy
Author(s): Craig S. Altemose and Rachel A. Soule
Publisher(s): Better Future Project
Publication Date: February 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This report examines many of the various ways our consumption of fossil fuels leads to human suffering, conflict, and death. While some may see it as odd that an organization with as optimistic a name as Better Future Project would produce a report with such a negative outlook on the present, we believe that things can only get better if we are honest with ourselves about how truly bad they are. And right now, the way we consumer energy kills people. Because we burn fossil fuels, people die. Human hearts stop beating. These casualties are unacceptable. No matter how addicted we are to fossil fuels, we have a moral imperative to rapidly and responsibly transition to energy sources that are safer, healthier, and do not require human sacrifices. Fortunately, healthy, safe, and truly renewable sources of energy exist that would allow us to produce energy without expected human casualties. This paper does not seek to explain how that transition will or should occur, but rather make the case for why it must.

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