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Energy Efficiency Policy in the United States: Overview of Trends at Different Levels of Government

Energy Efficiency Policy in the United States: Overview of Trends at Different Levels of Government

Full Title:  Energy Efficiency Policy in the United States: Overview of Trends at Different Levels of Government
Author(s):  Elizabeth Doris, Jaquelin Cochran, and Martin Vorum
Publisher(s):  NREL
Publication Date: December 1, 2009
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This report catalogs by sector—buildings, transportation, industrial, and power—energy efficiency policies at the federal, state, and local levels, and identifies some prominent policy trends. Four key findings emerged from this report: 1) leadership on energy efficiency is necessary—and is found—at each level of government; 2) there is no widely accepted methodology for evaluating energy efficiency policies; 3) coordination among the three levels of government—and across sectors—is increasingly important, and there are opportunities to significantly improve policy performance through a unified strategy; and 4) there are efficiencies to be gained by informing policies in one sector with experience from others.

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