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Energy Future: Think Efficiency

Energy Future: Think Efficiency

Full Title:   Energy Future: How America Can Look Within to Achieve Energy Security and Reduce Global Warming
Author(s): G. Crabtree, D. Kammen, M. Lubell, B. Richter, F. Schlachter, et al.
Publisher(s):   American Physical Society
Publication Date: September 1, 2008
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Making major gains in energy efficiency is one of the most economical and effective ways our nation can wean itself off its dependence on foreign oil and reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases.  Transportation and buildings, which account for two thirds of American energy usage, consume far more than they need to, but even though there are many affordable energy efficient technologies that can save consumers money, market imperfections inhibit their adoption. To overcome the barriers, the federal government must adopt policies that will transform the investments into economic and societal benefit.  And the federal government must invest in research and development programs that target energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is one of America’s great hidden energy reserves. We should begin tapping it now.

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