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Energy Perspectives 2018

Energy Perspectives 2018

Full Title: Energy Perspectives 2018
Author(s): Equinor
Publisher(s): Equinor
Publication Date: June 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The transition to a more sustainable energy system is too slow. A sustainable development path, consistent with the 2-degree target, does not allow for further delays in policy, industry and consumer action to reduce emissions.

There is an agreement that a growing population and economic growth will increase the demand for goods, activities, and services that require energy. The challenge is to meet this growing demand while contributing to increased sustainability. This requires substantial improvements in energy efficiency and a rapid change in the global energy mix.

Our report is being published for the eighth consecutive year. It presents three scenarios; Reform, Renewal and Rivalry, that span a vast outcome space for all important characteristics of the global energy system, such as macroeconomic development, global energy demand, GHG emissions, energy mix and oil and gas markets towards 2050.

The report shows how policy, technology and market conditions can move development in different directions, both desired and undesired.

All statements and/or propositions in discussion prompts are meant exclusively to stimulate discussion and do not represent the views of, its Partners, Topic Directors or Experts, nor of any individual or organization. Comments by and opinions of Expert participants are their own.

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