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Energy Policy Opportunities and Continuing Challenges in the Presence of Increased Supplies of Natural Gas and Petroleum

Energy Policy Opportunities and Continuing Challenges in the Presence of Increased Supplies of Natural Gas and Petroleum

Full Title:  Energy Policy Opportunities and Continuing Challenges in the Presence of Increased Supplies of Natural Gas and Petroleum
Author(s): Michael Greenstone, Dmitri Koustas, Karen Li, Adam Looney, and Harrison Marks
Publisher(s):  Brookings Institution
Publication Date: June 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This framing paper provides a summary of some of the recent changes in the energy sector, tallies the benefits and costs, and speculates about the changes yet to come. It also introduces three new discussion papers written for The Hamilton Project that aim to harness the opportunities that the technological advances in the recovery of natural gas offer, while managing the risks. It then assesses the energy challenges that continue to confront the United States, and reiterates four principles for sound energy and environmental policy developed in The Hamilton Project’s paper, “A Strategy for America’s Energy Future: Illuminating Energy’s Full Costs” (Greenstone and Looney 2011). Finally, it introduces a fifth principle motivated by the vast increase in the supplies of natural gas and petroleum in the United States.

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