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EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Challenges Ahead for Sources and States

EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Challenges Ahead for Sources and States

Full Title:  EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Challenges Ahead for Sources and States
Author(s):  Chris MacCracken, Steven Fine, Phil Mihlmester, David Pickles, and Ankit Saraf
Publisher(s): ICF International
Publication Date: June 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The release of EPA’s much anticipated Clean Power Plan proposal starts the clock on what will be a multi-year process of review, analysis, planning, and implementation for states, affected sources, and other stakeholders. With an estimated effect of reducing emissions 30% from 2005 levels by 2030, this proposal is akin in scope and potential impact to a national energy plan. However, unlike a national plan, these plan components and implementation will be determined in state capitals rather than in Washington, D.C. In this paper, we discuss the critical issues that sources and states face in evaluating EPA’s proposal and developing plans to meet the Clean Power Plan requirements.

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