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Examining the Variability of Wind Power Output in the Regulation Time Frame

Examining the Variability of Wind Power Output in the Regulation Time Frame

Full Title: Examining the Variability of Wind Power Output in the Regulation Time Frame
Author(s): B.-M. Hodge, S. Shedd, and A. Florita
Publisher(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: August 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The integration of increasing amounts of renewable power sources, such as wind power, has been a source of concern for power system operators because of the variability and uncertainty of the power output. One way the impacts of variability and uncertainty are mitigated is through the holding of reserves that can quickly increase or decrease generation to mirror changes in demand. At small timescales, this is knows as regulation reserve. In this work, we examine the distribution of changes int he wind power for different timescales int he regulation time frame as well as the correlation of changes in power output for individual wind turbines in a wind plant. The wind plant in question is located in the Xcel Colorado service territory in the United States, and contains approximately 300 megawatts of wind power capacity.

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