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Federalism in Renewable Energy Policy

Federalism in Renewable Energy Policy

Full Title:  Federalism in Renewable Energy Policy
Author(s):  Jeremiah I. Williamson and Matthias L. Sayer
Publisher(s):  Natural Resources & Environment
Publication Date: September 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Responding to the desire for greater utilization of renewable domestic energy resources, state legislatures have implemented an array of policies encouraging the development of solar, wind, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources. Every state offers at least some form of policy incentive for renewable energy development, but the quantity and quality of the policy inducements available vary greatly across jurisdictions. At one end of the spectrum, California and Texas offer a plethora of incentives for an increasingly diverse range of renewable resources and utilization technologies. In contrast, states such as Oklahoma and Alabama have a paltry menu of incentives for developers of renewable energy resources.

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