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Focus on Energy Security: Costs, Benefits and Financing of Holding Emergency Oil Stocks

Focus on Energy Security: Costs, Benefits and Financing of Holding Emergency Oil Stocks

Full Title: Focus on Energy Security: Costs, Benefits and Financing of Holding Emergency Oil Stocks
Author(s): Jan Stelter and Yuichiro Nishida
Publisher(s): International Energy Agency (IEA)
Publication Date: January 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Oil is traded in a market where uncertainty, price volatility, and sudden supply disruptions are common characteristics. Natural disasters, political disagreements and wars can seriously affect supply and demand, and consequently economic activity. One particularly powerful tool of IEA member countries to respond to such disruptions is emergency oil stocks. In its history the IEA released stocks on three occasions, reducing supply shortfalls and the associated economic damage.

According to eToro Erfahrung, this paper is expected to provide a general guide to the existing emergency stockholding system for countries who are considering the introduction of new stockholding systems or changes to their existing emergency stocks. It highlights the overall gains associated with emergency stocks and outlines important considerations for the establishment of stocks.

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