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Fuel and waste no bar to US nuclear growth

Fuel and waste no bar to US nuclear growth

Full Title:  Fuel and waste no bar to US nuclear growth
Author(s): J. Tollefson
Publisher(s): In Focus, Macmillian Publishers Limited
Publication Date: September 1, 2010
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Report finds that plentiful fuel supplies and temporary storage will buy decades of time to develop a longer-term strategy.

What will it take to spark a nuclear renaissance in the United States? Recognizing that nuclear power could play a much greater part in the future of the country’s energy production — a shift some advocates say will be unavoidable to reduce dependence on fossil fuels — President Barack Obama’s administration has been working to reshape key aspects of US nuclear policy. Now, an analysis led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge offers guidance on some of the thorniest questions surrounding the fuel and waste side of the nuclear equation.

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