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Growing Potential for U.S.-Mexico Energy Cooperation

Growing Potential for U.S.-Mexico Energy Cooperation

Full Title:  Growing Potential for U.S.-Mexico Energy Cooperation
Author(s):  Duncan Wood
Publisher(s):  The Wilson Center
Publication Date: January 1, 2010
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Description (excerpt):

Looking ahead to the next six years of interaction between governments of Mexico and the United States, there is the potential for an enormously fruitful relationship in energy affairs. Much of this depends on two key factors, political will and the internal changes that are underway in Mexico’s energy sector. In the past, political sensitivities concerning U.S. involvement in the Mexican hydrocarbons industry have limited the extent of collaboration in the oil and gas sectors. This continues to be a cause for concern in any U.S.-based discussion (from either the public or private sectors) of Mexican energy policy and the potential for collaboration, but in recent years there has been a relaxation of sensitivity in this area. Partly in response to the perceived need for international assistance in resolving Mexico’s multiple energy challenges, and partly as a result of a productive bilateral institutional relationship between federal energy agencies, there is now a greater potential for engagement than at any time in recent memory.

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