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How 2 Guide for Bioenergy: Roadmap Development and Implementation

How 2 Guide for Bioenergy: Roadmap Development and Implementation

Full Title: How 2 Guide for Bioenergy: Roadmap Development and Implementation
Author(s): International Energy Agency
Publication Date: January 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The primary goal of a technology roadmap is to highlight and accelerate the deployment of a specific technology or group of technologies. A roadmap is, simply put, a strategy or a plan describing the steps to be taken in order to achieve stated and agreed goals on a defined schedule. It determines the technical, policy, legal, financial, market and organizational barriers that lie before these goals, and the range of known solutions to overcome them. Roadmaps can be developed for different levels of deployment, including global, national or regional, and can be sector- or technology-specific.

The evolving process by which a roadmap is created, implemented, monitored and updated is referred to as road mapping. The way this process is organized is crucial to achieving the goals set out by the roadmap. An effective road mapping process maximizes participants’ engagement in creating the plan, thereby building consensus, increasing the likelihood that those involved will implement the roadmap priorities and together seek early solutions to anticipated potential barriers. Ideally, a roadmap is a dynamic document, incorporating metrics to facilitate monitoring of progress towards its stated goals, with the flexibility to be updated as the market, technology and policy context evolve.

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