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Integrated Biorefineries: Biofuels, Biopower, and Bioproducts

Integrated Biorefineries: Biofuels, Biopower, and Bioproducts

Full Title:  Integrated Biorefineries: Biofuels, Biopower, and Bioproducts
Author(s):  U.S. Department of Energy
Publisher(s):  U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Transitioning America’s vehicle fleet to electric-drive vehicles could reduce U.S. foreign oil dependence by more than 60% and greenhouse gas emissions by 40% while increasing the nation’s economic security. But electric-drive vehicles aren’t new. At the start of the 20th Century, electric cars with lead-acid batteries held much of the U.S. market. Their popularity waned as the interest in cars with internal combustion engines (ICEs) rose, owing to the ICE vehicle’s longer driving range, declining petroleum costs, and the advent of the electric starter and manufacturing assembly line.

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