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International Review of Policies and Recommendations for Wind Turbine Setbacks from Residences: Setbacks, Noise, Shadow Flicker, and Other Concerns

International Review of Policies and Recommendations for Wind Turbine Setbacks from Residences: Setbacks, Noise, Shadow Flicker, and Other Concerns

Full Title:  International Review of Policies and Recommendations for Wind Turbine Setbacks from Residences: Setbacks, Noise, Shadow Flicker, and Other Concerns
Author(s):  Kathryn M. B. Haugen
Publisher(s):  Minnesota Department of Commerce: Energy Facility Permitting
Publication Date: October 1, 2011
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

While many people support wind energy, some have become concerned about possible impacts to their quality of life due to wind turbines, including noise, shadow flicker, and visual impacts, especially when they believe a wind turbine may be placed too close to their home. There is no worldwide agreement on appropriate wind turbine setback distances from homes; in fact, there is very limited awareness of wind turbine setbacks in other countries, or why a particular setback distance or limit was chosen. This report attempts to identify and clarify existing governmental requirements and recommendations regarding wind turbine setbacks from residences. It also attempts to identify the rationale behind current policies and whether or not the policies are based on public opinion or research. This report does not argue in favor of or against wind power, nor does it identify a best setback distance or measure. The goal of this report is to provide a resource of existing policies and recommendations regarding setbacks from residences in major wind energy-producing countries besides the United States.

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