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Keystone XL Pipeline: Undermining U.S. Energy Security and Sending Tar Sands Overseas

Keystone XL Pipeline: Undermining U.S. Energy Security and Sending Tar Sands Overseas

Full Title:  Keystone XL Pipeline: Undermining U.S. Energy Security and Sending Tar Sands Overseas
Author(s):  NRDC
Publisher(s): NRDC 
Publication Date: January 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

There are clear alternatives to allowing the United States to be an oil conduit for tar sands merely to accommodate ever- growing profits for big oil companies. As American gasoline consumption continues to shrink, the United States can continue its current trajectory to reduce its oil dependency by improving fuel efficiency and clean energy investments. These 2005 2010 EXPORTS: EUROPE 2020 2025 20 Ja C an EXPORTS: investments will create tens of thousands more jobs than Graph 2. Pipeline capacity taking Canadian oil to the United States far exceeds current and future production Keystone XL ever would—and without risking a major oil spill. Taking concrete steps to reduce the country’s oil dependence is the only way to increase U.S. energy security.

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