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Managing the Challenge of Russian Energy Policies: Recommendations for U.S. and EU Leadership

Managing the Challenge of Russian Energy Policies: Recommendations for U.S. and EU Leadership

Full Title:  Managing the Challenge of Russian Energy Policies: Recommendations for U.S. and EU Leadership
Author(s):  Keith C. Smith
Publisher(s):  CSIS
Publication Date: November 1, 2010
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Description (excerpt):

Following the breakup of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, the leaders of Russia, including then-President Boris Yeltsin, searched for new methods of continuing to exert influence over the former Soviet-controlled region. The Kremlin at first used an energy blockade to the Baltic States in 1990 in an attempt to prevent their breakaway from the Soviet Union. After that failed, it then focused on the growing opposition in the former republics of the Soviet Union and in East Central Europe to its foreign and economic policies, and in particular on demands that Russian military forces withdraw from the newly independent states. The Kremlin leadership quickly recognized that short of military action, its major foreign policy tool was the denial or threat of denial of access to Russia’s vast oil and gas resources. The economies of East European and Central Asian countries, and especially their rail and pipeline infrastructures, had been hardwired by Soviet leaders to assure total dependency on Moscow for their raw materials, including oil, gas, coal, and nuclear fuel.

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