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Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Systems

Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Systems

Full Title:  Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Systems
Author(s):  Drew Shindall et all
Publisher(s):  National Climate Assessment
Publication Date: February 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

Shindell et al. (2012) noted that the climate system is more immediately responsive to changes in methane (and black carbon) emissions than carbon dioxide emissions (Fig. 1). They predicted that unless emissions of methane and black carbon are reduced immediately, the Earth will warm to 1.5o C by 2030 and to 2.0o C by 2045 to 2050 whether or not carbon dioxide emissions are reduced. Reducing methane and black carbon emissions,even if carbon dioxide is not controlled, would significantly slow the rate of global warming and postpone reaching the 1.5o C and 2.0o C marks by 12 to 15 years. Controlling carbon dioxide as well as methane and black carbon emissions further slows the rate of global warming after 2045, through at least 2070.

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