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Non-Road Electrotechnology Programs: Increasing Utility Load Growth and Revenue While Decreasing Air Pollution

Non-Road Electrotechnology Programs: Increasing Utility Load Growth and Revenue While Decreasing Air Pollution

Full Title: Non-Road Electrotechnology Programs: Increasing Utility Load Growth and Revenue While Decreasing Air Pollution
Author(s): David Pickles, Monica Gaudet, Al Dugas, Blake Woodward, and Ambika Melville
Publisher(s): ICF International
Publication Date: June 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Non-Road Electrotechnology programs, which promote the displacement of fossil-fueled customer equipment with electric-powered equipment, can help electric utilities increase net margin, improve load factor, and reduce net service-territory emissions. This paper summarizes ICF International’s approach to evaluating the feasibility and economics of such programs, provides indicative economics for several programs, and presents case studies of real-world applications.

By promoting electrotechnologies such as non-road transportation, material handling equipment, agricultural water-pumping, port and airport equipment, and other technologies, ICF nds that a typical utility can increase energy sales by approximately 0.3 percent a year with an investment of only 0.15 percent of annual revenues and an expected ROI of 160 percent (over the lifetime of the equipment and depending on regulatory treatment of incremental margins). At the same time, net site emissions from the aected equipment can be expected to decline 95 percent. Even small scale programs focused on a single technology (such as forklifts or agricultural pumping) can increase energy sales by as much as 0.10 percent with an ROI in the range of 80 percent to 120 percent. And unlike on-road electric vehicle programs which can be complicated and depend, in part, upon factors outside a utility’s control, non-road programs are less risky and comparatively simple to design, operate, and control.

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