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Not Beyond Coal, How the Global Thirst for Low-Cost Electricity Continues Driving Coal Demand

Not Beyond Coal, How the Global Thirst for Low-Cost Electricity Continues Driving Coal Demand

Full Title:  Not Beyond Coal, How the Global Thirst for Low-Cost Electricity Continues Driving Coal Demand
Author(s):  Robert Bryce
Publisher(s):  Manhattan Institute
Publication Date: October 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Since 1973, coal consumption has grown faster than any other form of energy. Growth in coal consumption has been critical in providing electricity access in developing countries.  For electricity production, no other energy source can currently match the black fuel when it comes to cost, scale, and reliability. In all, more than 500 gigawatts of new coal-fired capacity will likely be built worldwide by 2040. Given coal’s pivotal role in providing electricity to poor and wealthy countries alike, it is highly unlikely that global carbon-dioxide emissions will fall anytime soon.

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