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Nuclear power: a dangerous waste of time

Nuclear power: a dangerous waste of time

Full Title:  Nuclear power: a dangerous waste of time
Author(s):  Greenpeace
Publisher(s):  Greenpeace
Publication Date: January 1, 2010
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This briefing outlines why nuclear power is a woefully inadequate response to the climate crisis and how, in contrast, renewable energy and greater energy efficiency can deliver in time to tackle climate change, without any of the dangers posed by nuclear power. It also explores the key environmental, health and security issues affecting every stage of the nuclear process: the unsolved problem of radioactive waste; the risk of catastrophic accidents; and the dangers posed to global security. As a typical example, the briefing highlights fundamental problems with the very latest generation of nuclear plants known as the “European Pressurised Reactor”.

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