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Oil and Gas Energy Security Issues

Oil and Gas Energy Security Issues

Full Title:  Oil and Gas Energy Security Issues
Author(s):  John Deutch
Publisher(s):  RFF, NEPI
Publication Date: June 1, 2010
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Description (excerpt):

Imported oil and gas make up a significant proportion of total consumption in the United States; dependence on oil and gas imports constrains the foreign policy of the importing country and can increase geopolitical tensions between importers and resource holders. However, the United States and other countries are likely to remain dependent on oil and gas imports for many decades and will, therefore, need to balance the security disadvantages of international trade in oil and gas with the economic advantages. Here, I consider a possible scenario in which U.S. oil imports are limited to 20 percent of domestic consumption by 2030. I explain why I believe this scenario is unlikely and outline realistic policy measures that the U.S. government should put in place to manage the security effects of foreign dependency and to reduce import dependence over time.

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