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On the Move: State Strategies for 21st Century Transportation Solutions

On the Move: State Strategies for 21st Century Transportation Solutions

Full Title:  On the Move: State Strategies for 21st Century Transportation Solutions
Author(s):  Douglas Shinkle, Jaime Rall, and Alice Wheet
Publisher(s):  The National Conference of State Legislatures
Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Transportation policy and funding are at a critical juncture in the United States. Faced with budget shortfalls and a host of other challenges, state legislatures are exploring and enacting a number of innovative policies to ensure that the future mobility needs of all Americans are met in a manner that is fiscally sound and supports a broad range of policy goals.

This report explores a wide array of innovative surface transportation reform laws, policies and programs that policymakers are considering or pursu- ing to take the nation’s transportation system well into the 21st century. Particular focus is placed on policies that promote fiscal and environmental sustainability; facilitate affordable, safe and accessible transportation choices; and achieve shared benefits such as improved public health and economic development. Every effort was taken to assemble a broad cross-section of approaches and diverse voices, to represent as fully as possible the exciting transportation reform developments occurring in state legislatures across the country.

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