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Paid in Full: An Analysis of the Return to the Federal Taxpayer for Internal Revenue Code Section 48 Solar Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Paid in Full: An Analysis of the Return to the Federal Taxpayer for Internal Revenue Code Section 48 Solar Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Full Title:  Paid in Full: An Analysis of the Return to the Federal Taxpayer for Internal Revenue Code Section 48 Solar Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
Publisher(s):  U.S. Partnership for Renewable Energy Finance
Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The investment tax credit (ITC) for solar power projects, expanded under the George W. Bush administration as a part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and modified as a grant-in-lieu of tax credit program under the Obama Administration, has attracted substantial private investment for domestic solar projects and enabled financing mechanisms that generate a positive return for the federal government. Over the life of a solar photovoltaic (PV) asset, the initial cost of federal expenditures associated with the ITC can be more than offset by the tax revenues generated in lease and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) scenarios, both of which create fixed payment structures and provide a positive financial return on investment to the federal taxpayer.

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