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Panamerican Energy Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges

Panamerican Energy Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges

Full Title:  Panamerican Energy Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges
Author(s):  George Philippidis
Publisher(s):  Applied Research Center, Florida International University
Publication Date: April 1, 2010
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Description (excerpt):

In an era of increasing energy demand, diminishing oil reserves and heightened concern about climate change, the Americas have a unique opportunity to become a leader in low-carbon sustainable energy production through close cooperation. The continent has abundant natural resources, such as solar, wind and geothermal, for renewable power generation. Moreover, agricultural experience and land availability create a strong advantage for the establishment of a biofuels industry, where technologies from North America will complement Latin American know-how in sugarcane ethanol. However, for private investment to be forthcoming in the energy sector of the Americas, the existence of political stability, a regulatory framework and a commitment to renewable energy are key prerequisites. Current Status

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