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Protecting Health from Climate Change

Protecting Health from Climate Change

Full Title:  Protecting Health from Climate Change
Author(s):  T. McMichael, et al.
Publisher(s):  World Health Organization
Publication Date: January 1, 2009
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

At the 2008 World Health Assembly (WHA), 193 Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) committed through Resolution 61.19 to a series of actions to confront the health risks associated with climate change, and called on WHO to provide support.

The resolution makes a clear request for more applied research on the linkages between climate, policies addressing climate change and health outcomes —

In order to guide research in this field, WHO carried out a global consultation. Experts on climate change, health and related disciplines produced background reports covering each of the themes identified by the WHA Resolution, as well as an additional report on how to support research in this field. This was followed by an online consultation, and a three-day workshop attended by over 70 leading researchers, health practitioners, and representatives of funding bodies and other United Nations (UN) agencies. This report presents the conclusions and recommendations from this process, with the aim of improving the evidence base for policies to protect health from climate change.


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