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Putting a Price on Carbon: Reducing Emissions

Putting a Price on Carbon: Reducing Emissions

Full Title: Putting a Price on Carbon: Reducing Emissions
Author(s): Noah Kaufman, Michael Obeiter, and Eleanor Krause
Publisher(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)
Publication Date: January 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In Putting a Price on Carbon: Reducing Emissions, we describe how a national price on carbon would reduce emissions across key sectors of the economy, including empirical evidence and real world case studies. The research examines how the incentives for emissions reductions are depicted in an influential carbon pricing study, and shows why computer models are likely to underestimate the emissions reductions potential of a carbon price. We conclude that carbon pricing can play a central role in helping the US achieve its long-term climate goals, particularly if combined with a smart portfolio of complementary policies.

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