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Reinventing Fire Electricity Sector Methodology

Reinventing Fire Electricity Sector Methodology

Full Title:  Reinventing Fire Electricity Sector Methodology
Author(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publisher(s):  Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: January 1, 2011
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


This document provides an overview of Reinventing Fire’s electricity sector analysis with a focus on the methodologies and inputs of NREL’s ReEDS and RMI’s dispatch model. The document is divided into two main sections. The first section provides a high-level overview of the ReEDS model and details of RMI’s assumptions that served as ReEDS inputs. Please note: This section relies heavily on NREL’s forthcoming documentation, Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS). This document will be updated when NREL makes its updated ReEDS documentation available. NREL’s documentation provides a detailed explanation of the ReEDS objective function, approach, algorithms, and common assumptions, including important information regarding generation and demand resource inputs, such as renewable resource potential. RMI’s documentation details key inputs or variables that differ from those described in NREL’s own documentation of ReEDS. The second section documents RMI’s dispatch model.

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