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Renewable Energy Financing Case Studies: Lessons to be Learned from Successful Initiatives

Renewable Energy Financing Case Studies: Lessons to be Learned from Successful Initiatives

Full Title:  Renewable Energy Financing Case Studies: Lessons to be Learned from Successful Initiatives
Author(s): N/A
Publisher(s):  Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Publication Date: March 1, 2006
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Description (excerpt):


The present report, therefore, pulls together information on policies and programs, and will describe some case studies that can provide guidance for Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Based on the report, the CEC will create a clearinghouse website where information on renewable energy policies can be found. At the first stage, this report will focus on both small-scale and utility-scale renewable energy programs. It will concentrate on those financial initiatives that bring technologies on the ground, i.e., that support market entry of commercial technologies.

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