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Renewable Microgrids: Profiles From Islands and Remote Communities Across the Globe

Renewable Microgrids: Profiles From Islands and Remote Communities Across the Globe

Full Title: Renewable Microgrids: Profiles From Islands and Remote Communities Across the Globe
Author(s): Kaitlyn Bunker, Stephen Doig, Kate Hawley, and Jesse Morris
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room
Publication Date: November 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The livelihoods of individuals and families living on islands and in remote communities across the globe are directly tied to the availability and price of one volatile global commodity: oil. For well over 100 years, oil has enabled remote communities to generate electricity and enjoy the benefits of a consistent electrical supply. However, unlike many larger, non-isolated communities that are increasingly turning to a diverse supply of resources to generate electricity, most islands and remote communities continue to rely on oil and oil alone for their electricity and other energy needs.

Relying solely on oil for electricity generation has left island and remote communities exposed to several risks and drawbacks. Oil-based electricity generation is often more expensive and subject to price volatility, which can result in the use of risky fuel-hedging strategies that can lock in prices for years to come. Importing oil puts these communities at risk of supply interruption, reducing energy security. Furthermore, small-scale electricity systems that aren’t connected to a larger electricity grid tend to be more expensive and difficult to maintain.

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