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Saturation Wind Power Potential and its Implications for Wind Energy

Saturation Wind Power Potential and its Implications for Wind Energy

Full Title:  Saturation Wind Power Potential and its Implications for Wind Energy
Author(s):  Mark Z. Jacobsona, and Cristina L. Archer
Publisher(s):  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Publication Date: August 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

Wind turbines convert kinetic to electrical energy, which returns to the atmosphere as heat to regenerate some potential and kinetic energy. As the number of wind turbines increases over large geographic regions, power extraction first increases linearly, but then converges to a saturation potential not identified previously from physical principles or turbine properties. These saturation potentials are >250 terawatts (TW) at 100 m globally, approxi- mately 80 TW at 100 m over land plus coastal ocean outside Antarctica, and approximately 380 TW at 10 km in the jet streams. Thus, there is no fundamental barrier to obtaining half (approxi- mately 5.75 TW) or several times the world’s all-purpose power from wind in a 2030 clean-energy economy.

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