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Slamming the Brakes: How Washington’s Ozone Plan Will Hurt the Colorado Economy and Make Traffic Worse

Slamming the Brakes: How Washington’s Ozone Plan Will Hurt the Colorado Economy and Make Traffic Worse

Full Title: Slamming the Brakes: How Washington's Ozone Plan Will Hurt the Colorado Economy and Make Traffic Worse
Author(s):  The Center for Regulatory Solutions
Publisher(s): The Center for Regulatory Solutions
Publication Date: August 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

A plan currently being contemplated by the Obama Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C. to dramatically tighten federal ozone limits could have a serious and deleterious impact on Colorado’s economy, just when the state is putting the Great Recession in the rear-view mirror. Coloradans may also face longer and worse traffic jams – especially in the Denver metro area – because the more restrictive federal mandates could delay or completely block the approval of badly needed investments in road construction. For these reasons, local and state officials from both parties are speaking out against Washington’s ozone agenda. Furthermore, public opinion research shows a strong majority of Coloradans believe their air quality is already good or excellent, and that significant majorities across the state oppose any plan that would cost the state thousands of jobs and billions in lost economic activity for no, or very little, environmental benefit in return.

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