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Supplying the Unconventional Revolution: Sizing the unconventional oil and gas supply chain

Supplying the Unconventional Revolution: Sizing the unconventional oil and gas supply chain

Full Title:  Supplying the Unconventional Revolution: Sizing the unconventional oil and gas supply chain
Author(s):  Mohsen Bonakdarpour and Brendan O’Neil
Publisher(s): IHS Economics
Publication Date: September 1, 2014
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Description (excerpt):

This IHS study is the first comprehensive assessment of the unconventional energy supply chain, focusing on the economic contributions associated with the oil and gas industry’s broad network of suppliers and their important roles in advancing unconventional resources development, ultimately enhancing the energy and economic security of the United States. The contributions to the US economy identified in this study demonstrate the critical linkage between energy value chain investment and several sectors likely to experience above-trend economic growth over the next two decades.

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