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Technology Roadmap, Solar Photovoltaic Energy

Technology Roadmap, Solar Photovoltaic Energy

Full Title:  Technology Roadmap, Solar Photovoltaic Energy
Author(s):  Cédric Philibert
Publisher(s): International Energy Agency
Publication Date: January 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The solar PV roadmap was one of the first roadmaps developed by the IEA, in 2009/10. Since then, the world has added more PV capacity than it had in the previous four decades, and more rapidly than expected. The 210 GW of cumulative capacity expected to be reached by 2020 is now likely to be achieved five years earlier, and the capacity now expected for 2020 will be over twice what was foreseen in the 2010 roadmap. Moreover, the system cost milestones for 2020 in the original roadmap have already been reached in the most advanced markets, except for the smallest rooftop capacities.

This updated roadmap thus presents a new vision that takes into account this considerable progress of PV technologies, as well as changing trends in the overall energy mix. It presents a detailed assessment of the technology milestones that PV energy will need to reach to attain this ambitious vision. The key objective is to improve PV technology performance and reduce costs in order to achieve the competitiveness needed for the large investments foreseen.

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