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The Economic and Tax Revenue Impact of Coal Industry Activity in Nebraska: Final Report

The Economic and Tax Revenue Impact of Coal Industry Activity in Nebraska: Final Report

Full Title:  The Economic and Tax Revenue Impact of Coal Industry Activity in Nebraska: Final Report
Author(s):  Eric Thompson
Publisher(s):  University of Nebraska—Lincoln
Publication Date: March 1, 2014
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Description (excerpt):

Nebraska businesses and households are actively involved in the national and global coal industry as transportation providers and as energy producers and consumers. This report by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bureau of Business Research (UNLBBR) examines the economic impact in Nebraska from these coal transportation and energy production activities during calendar year 2013. We begin by estimating the direct economic impact on the Nebraska economy from coal hauling and that portion of power production purchased by ratepayers in other states. We also estimate the total employment in Nebraska coal-fired electricity generating stations. The report also considers the multiplier impact which occurs as money earned from coal hauling and power production circulates further within the Nebraska economy. The report focuses on the statewide economic impact during the year 2013; however, a local economic impact is estimated for two specific example facilities: the Bailey Yard in North Platte, Nebraska and the nearby Gerald Gentleman Station.

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