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The Energy Mix: Low Carbon Pathways to 2050

The Energy Mix: Low Carbon Pathways to 2050

Full Title:  The Energy Mix: Low Carbon Pathways to 2050
Author(s):  World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Publisher(s):  World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Publication Date: May 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

n its Vision 2050 project, the WBCSD envisages a world in 2050 that meets the needs of “9 billion people living well, within the limits of one planet”. This will require substantial changes in the global energy system, to meet the expected increase in demand (about 50% more than 2010, even with energy efficiency improvements) while also reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to half of 2005 levels. These challenges imply a radical departure from historical energy pathways (Box 1) and will require government policy intervention at a level not seen in the past.

This document seeks to explore the development of the global energy system to date and seeks to develop a better understanding of the roles played by markets, technology, and policy in shaping the future.

All statements and/or propositions in discussion prompts are meant exclusively to stimulate discussion and do not represent the views of, its Partners, Topic Directors or Experts, nor of any individual or organization. Comments by and opinions of Expert participants are their own.

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