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The Future of U.S. Solar: Getting to the Next Order of Magnitude

The Future of U.S. Solar: Getting to the Next Order of Magnitude

Full Title: The Future of U.S. Solar: Getting to the Next Order of Magnitude
Author(s): Shayle Kann
Publisher(s): GTM Research
Publication Date: January 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Solar power is on an impressive growth streak in the U.S., having gone from 2 gigawatts of cumulative capacity at the end of 2010 to a likely 26 gigawatts at the end of this year. More importantly, costs have fallen enough to make it clear that solar will play a meaningful role in the future of electricity in the U.S.

For the solar industry, it is time to start thinking about the next order of magnitude. Solar generates approximately 1% of all electricity in the U.S. today, but there is a realistic path toward 10% over the next 10-15 years. That path is by no means guaranteed; solar faces both advantages and disadvantages as it begins to truly scale. This report highlights the key forces likely to push, or impede, solar growth in the coming years and identifies opportunities for the solar industry to ensure its future.

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