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The Obama Administration’s Clean Energy Policies: U.S. Energy and Policies, Past, Present, and Future and their Implications for the Republic of Korea

The Obama Administration’s Clean Energy Policies: U.S. Energy and Policies, Past, Present, and Future and their Implications for the Republic of Korea

Full Title:  The Obama Administration’s Clean Energy Policies: U.S. Energy and Policies, Past, Present, and Future and their Implications for the Republic of Korea
Author(s):  David G. Vanderstel
Publisher(s):  Sagamore Institute for Policy Research
Publication Date: October 1, 2009
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The purpose of this report is to examine the new Obama Administration‘s options for ―clean energy‖ policies for the United States. It explores these policies within the context of U.S. energy sources of past and present and how the U.S. is seeking to transition to more energy efficient systems and ones that promote ―energy independence‖ by eliminating the nation‘s dependence on foreign sources of energy, primarily petroleum. The report highlights numerous public-private partnerships in the development of clean energy technologies and efforts to establish a nationwide energy economy. It also examines the Obama Administration‘s ―clean energy‖ policies and their implications for the local, state, and national governments and as incentives for foreign trade and investment. Lastly, the report explores the similarities of the U.S. ―clean energy‖ policies to South Korea‘s ―Green New Deal‖ and the possibilities of trade and collaborations between Korean and American companies.

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