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U.S. Coal Exports: National and State Economic Contributions

U.S. Coal Exports: National and State Economic Contributions

Full Title:  U.S. Coal Exports: National and State Economic Contributions
Author(s):  Ernst & Young
Publisher(s):  National Mining Association
Publication Date: May 1, 2013
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Description (excerpt):

In 2011, U.S. coal exports totaled 107 million short tons, the highest level in over 20 years. Coal exports accounted for nearly ten percent of total U.S. coal production and supported the employment of thousands of U.S. workers. The economic contribution of coal exports extends well beyond the activities conducted at mine sites and includes employment related to downstream transportation providers that move coal from mines to ports, as well as the port services that prepare and load the coal for shipment abroad, and other businesses that are supported by coal export activity. Each step in this process contributes economic activity to the U.S. economy. Ernst & Young LLP was commissioned by the National Mining Association (NMA) to estimate the economic contributions of coal exports in the United States in 2011, the most recent year for which complete data were available at the time of the analysis. The analysis considers the current economic contribution of coal exports to the U.S. economy and provides estimates for each state.

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