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U.S. LNG Exports: Impacts on Energy Markets and the Economy

U.S. LNG Exports: Impacts on Energy Markets and the Economy

Full Title:  U.S. LNG Exports: Impacts on Energy Markets and the Economy
Author(s):  ICF International
Publisher(s): ICF International
Publication Date: May 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In order to inform the current policy debate surrounding the granting of licenses for U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), the American Petroleum Institute (API) commissioned ICF International to undertake a study of the energy market and economic impacts of LNG exports. The scope of this study is to estimate impacts of LNG exports on the U.S. economy and international LNG trade for the timeframe through the year 2035 using the databases, algorithms, and models typically employed by ICF in analyzing U.S. and international natural gas markets. The secondary purpose is to put the estimates of economic impacts presented in this study in the context of other studies and to explain why differences in results may occur.

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