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Utility Analytics: Seizing the Opportunities to Improve Service, Reduce Costs and Increase Reliability.

Utility Analytics: Seizing the Opportunities to Improve Service, Reduce Costs and Increase Reliability.

Full Title: Utility Analytics: Seizing the Opportunities to Improve Service, Reduce Costs and Increase Reliability.
Publisher(s): PA Consulting
Publication Date: October 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Successful utility data analytics strategies are those which adopt true enterprise solutions, incorporating data from across the power infrastructure with other external data sources to create actionable intelligence and situational awareness.

In order to secure this comprehensive picture, the industry needs to manage the development and deployment of advanced analytics applications and understand that this requires a very different process from traditional software development.

In this new world, applications need to be deployed rapidly and show immediate healthy returns, making plug and play solutions increasingly attractive. Operations managers need to determine what data to collect, how to manage it, who should have access and how it should be used and stored to achieve optimum benefits. That means close collaboration between managers, executives, and their IT partners is critical

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